Hemingway's Rules for Writing

Ernest Hemingway adopted his clear and simple style while writing for the Kansas City Star. Developing this led to him cementing his status as one of the most influential writers in history.
While you might not be striving for literary acclaim with your email marketing, Hemingway’s rules for writing inform concise, engaging copy. This will clearly communicate your messages and drive customers to follow your calls to action.
Use Short Sentences
Short sentences make for easier reading. They help customers to follow each point of your email.
Short sentences also help you, the writer, to focus on what’s important to your customers. They don’t offer room for overthinking, helping you to hone in on the message you want your email to convey.
Use Short Opening Paragraphs
A short opening paragraph creates space to welcome the reader to your email, secure in the knowledge that they won’t be inundated with information. It’s an opportunity to clearly state the purpose of the email, encouraging customers to read on.
Use Vigorous English
Using authoritative and vigorous language will engage your customers with the products or services you're talking about, inspiring them to answer your call to action.
This comes from developing a genuine knowledge and passion for your subject. As your emails are about your business, this should come naturally.
Be Positive, Not Negative
This is writing about what something is rather than what it isn’t.
Instead of saying something’s inexpensive, describe it as affordable.
Instead of saying it’s unambiguous, say it’s clear.
Using this positive language makes your writing more direct, driving the point of your email home.
We’re not Hemingway, but we can help with writing engaging email marketing copy. Contact us today to find out more.