Mobile Device Growth: Optimising Marketing for Mobile Users
Many exciting trends and developments hit the world of email marketing in 2018 as email turned 40 years old. From the emergence of AMP for Gmail to mobile email reaching its long-awaited tipping point. Today, I'll be exploring how email marketing has evolved for the average user of a mobile device.

Keep Up or Fall Behind
As we head into 2019 and marketing budgets are replenished, it’s our chance to give our email programs a restart. It's also an opportunity to refocus our efforts on innovation and speed to keep up with the demand. It’s safe to assume that there will be an increase in consumer expectations for quality content. Marketers will need to navigate new technologies and regulations in an effort to continue pushing the boundaries. Email programs will become even more personalised and more interactive. This is going to result in effectively driving revenue and brand awareness.

The Growth of Average Order Value on Mobile Devices
Historically, the average order value (AOV) on mobile devices has lagged behind purchases made on desktop computers. This is because consumers are less likely to make purchases items of high value on-the-go. Big decisions take consideration and a comfortable space to do it in. We’re expecting this gap to close in 2019. Statistics from Q3 shows growth in average order value on mobile devices for the first time in a while. In Q3 of 2018, the average order value on mobile devices was $66.40, just $20 less than the $86.20 desktop average order value – and this is just the start.
Optimising for Mobile Device Users
In the year ahead, it will become more common for mobile device users to purchase larger orders on their devices as the user experience gets better. Brands will need to gain subscribers’ trust by offering detailed product content, more images and videos, or customer testimonials to push subscribers over the edge so they can take advantage of this newly occurring trend.
For more information on optimising for the mobile market or to find out how the team here at Merrehill could help your business, please do contact us today. We'll be more than happy to answer all your questions.