What is the most important element of a good email campaign?

I constantly see differing opinions on this question, and more often than not, I disagree with the answer others give.
Some will tell you ‘data is king!’
And yes, it’s vital to have a good data list.
We’ve used the same data source for over 14 years, and the accuracy and deliverability of the data has remained consistently high.
You can rest assured that when we run a campaign, we’re hitting the target audience you’ve selected, and your message is landing with the right people.
However, I could buy one of these ‘dirty’ lists off the internet, run a campaign, and even if 90% bounced, I could still end up with a viable return.
Others will argue that the subject line is the most important element.
I see blogs and posts all the time along the lines of: ‘50 subject lines to engage your crowd’.
All have a similar theme and guarantee a good open rate.
But what is a good open rate?
A high one?
I don’t believe so.
I prefer what I call ‘a true open rate’.
Many of you who have used us may have heard me refer to ‘false open rates’.
This is where the email has been opened many times based on the power of the subject line alone.
But then the campaign has bombed.
That’s because the reader was expecting something else inside and was disappointed.
What would you prefer: a 20% open rate and no leads, or a 5% open rate and 30 leads?
Rhetorical question.
For me, a subject line should accurately represent what’s inside the email but remain elusive enough to command an open.
Take the subject of this blog/email? It is clear what’s going to be discussed, but you need to read to find out, and you’ve been able to decide by the subject alone if you are interested in reading on.
(I should write a blog on subject lines. Oh wait, I did - https://www.merrehill.co.uk/how-to-get-more-opens/).
Anyway, the answer is the message.
I know - it’s obvious isn’t it, but always worth reiterating.
You could ‘get away’ with some dodgy data, and even a poor subject line.
But if the message inside doesn’t capture the reader’s interest, the whole thing has been a waste of time.
And remember the key ingredient to that message: how does your product/service benefit the reader?
Not why you do it, how you do it, when you do it.
How does it benefit the reader?
And that’s what we’re good at - giving you the best possible chance of converting reads to leads.
Lee Shore
10th March 2021